Hello from the PTC Education Advanced Technologies Team. We hope everyone is staying well and the spring semester is wrapping up nicely as you head toward summer!
Please reach out to us at EduTech@ptc.com with any questions, or if you would like to share opportunities for collaborations in this newsletter. If you did not receive this letter directly, please complete this form to be added to the mailing list.
The PTC Digital Transformation in Education Summit
May 19th, 8AM-12PM EDT
5:00 AM - 9:00 PM PDT | 12:00 - 14:00 UTC/GMT
This event will take place tomorrow, May 19th and bring together thought leaders from around the world using PTC technologies in research and teaching. Click here to register, and please invite any colleagues who may be interested.
We have released a new Github Pages site! You can find resources to help you get started with Digital Transformation technologies and highlight some of the exciting research and teaching happening around the world.
Key Collaborator Highlight
Lemus is a senior mechanical engineering student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. This semester, he worked in an independent study to understand product integration and industrial automation using Vuforia Studio AR by simulating the Pilot Process Machine. The machine automatically dispenses the desired color and quantity of Skittles for users. UMass engineering capstone teams developed the components of this machine throughout the semester. The implementation of AR was essential in the development process as it demonstrated the functionality of the integrated machine and helped in the design and integration process. Jose will be starting at PTC as an Associate in the Technical Rotational Leadership Development Program after graduating. Video of his final project linked here.